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Kampung Commoning :Towards New Transdisciplinary Activism
COMMONING: Making road to a post-capitalist society?
Telciu Conferences 2020: Decolonizing revolutions: social movements, spiritualities and commoning 1
Digital Feminist Public Pedagogy
Nasionalisasi Perkebunan Teh Di Kecamatan Pangelangan Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat 1957—1961
Excavating the Past, Reimagining the Future
20210714 SSFS8 - Melanie BUDIANTA : Cultural Granaries for a Liveable Kampung
Dissecting the Complexity of History to Understand the Present
Analysis of Cultural Vocabulary Translation in Translated Short Story “Apfel und Messer”
Critical (Digital) Literacies in the Post-Truth Era
Phonetic Analysis of German Songs
Postcolonial Perspectives from South America